We’re proud to be global and are committed to funding research from a range of different organisations and groups, including:
hospitals or hospital groups (public or private)
MPS members and clients
third sector and private research institutions and organisations
dental groups
medical and dental schools
dental practices
primary health networks
local hospital networks
non-MPS organisations

How Much You Can Apply For
The MPS Foundation will consider two types of proposals:
- proposals with a total budget of up to £60,000, or equivalent in local currency, which last between three and twenty-four months
- proposals with a total budget of over £60,000 and under £200,000, or equivalent in local currency, which last between twelve and thirty-six months.
(We will only fund a maximum of £100,000 in any one year)
The total number, location, focus and value of the projects we fund will ultimately be based on the quantity and quality of applications we receive. The MPS Foundation Board will make the final decision.
How to make a good application
How the application process works
The application process is split into three stages:
- Register your request for funding on the online grant portal
- Submit an expression of interest
- If your expression of interest is shortlisted by the Board, we’ll invite you to proceed to stage two
Further details of all three stages are detailed below:
To register your interest for funding, simply complete your details on The MPS Foundation’s online grant portal. You can do this at any time of the year, but you will have to register before you are able to submit an expression of interest.
If you register your details while our grant funding window is closed, we will automatically notify you when it is next open.

Stage one: Expressions of Interest
To apply for funding, you will need to submit an expression of interest. This should include:
- details about your organisation
- your project lead details
- the proposed project title
- a submission that covers the following:
- why the project is important
- target population for the project
- why the project is original and innovative
- how you intend to conduct the project
- the anticipated results and impact of the research
- an outline that describes how your project meets The MPS Foundation’s goals and priorities.
Stage two: Full Application
If your expression of interest is shortlisted by the Board, we’ll invite you to proceed to stage two.
As part of our process, we’ll also ask you to submit a more detailed application, which includes:
- further information about the project design and methodology
- a detailed project plan
- information about the project team, including their CVs
- your ethical considerations
- a budget breakdown
- dissemination plans
- an outline of how your project could be scaled up for a national or global solution.
We may additionally ask you to provide references.
Please note:
Stage one is designed to allow us to assess how your project fits with the objectives and priorities of The Foundation.
If you are applying for funding, it’s important to submit your expression of interest online before the deadline, as we can only extend the deadline in exceptional circumstances.
Once your application has been submitted, we will assess it, and if your project is short-listed, you’ll automatically move on to stage two.
Unfortunately, applications that fall outside of our financial limits or arrive late, will automatically be excluded.
If we receive several applications for the same area of research, we may ask applicants to work collaboratively – especially if the projects are in different countries. If you would prefer not to work in this way, you can reject our request.
Once your application has been submitted and reviewed, we will notify you of the outcome by email. However, due to the number of submissions we receive, we cannot provide feedback on individual unsuccessful applications.
Copies of the Expression of Interest Form and Full Application form can be downloaded from our Grant Portal so that you can prepare your application. Please note we only accept applications that are made via the Grant Portal through the on-line application form.
Watch this short video which will guide you through the application process and explain our selection criteria.
Patient safety is vital, but research is limited. We aim to change that. If you’re ready to define the future with your research, join us.
Once your grant has been approved we will contact you to ask you to:
- sign a grant agreement and research contract accepting the terms and conditions for the grant
- agree on project milestones, interim reports and meetings.
Working as one
Our standards are important to us, which is why when you register, we will ask you to agree to our Grant Code of Conduct.

Meeting milestones
As part of the application process, we will ask you to agree a series of milestones. If your application is successful, we will formally include these in your grant agreement. Any payments will then be linked to the milestones outlined in the agreement, and any regular status meetings you have with The MPS Foundation.
Promoting the future
To help us raise awareness of your research and achieve our global goals, we would like to publish information about your project in our member publications. From time to time, we may also ask you to take part in promotional activity (such as publicity or photography) to promote The MPS Foundation.
As part of our funding agreement, we will ask you to acknowledge our support in any research publications you appear in.
If you are successful in your application you will enter a Grant Agreement with The MPS Foundation. Within this document you will find details of our intellectual property agreement and details on promotion and participation. A draft is available to download from the Grant Applications Portal.

How will grants be paid?
While the payments you receive will differ, depending on the time and length of your project, grants will generally be paid in instalments:

an initial instalment (up to 30%) when you start the project and get the go-ahead from The MPS Foundation

interim instalments linked to you achieving the milestones outlined in your grant agreement

a final instalment when you finish the project and submit your final research report.
Please note:
If you require payment in a currency other than UK Sterling, we’ll pre-agree an exchange rate when your grant is awarded.
As part of our funding application process, we will need to carry out financial and due diligence checks before awarding your grant.